Sit and Heat

The promotional gifts market is enormous. Basically anything that can be printed or engraved on is a potential promotional gift. Even though many designs already exist, Ralf has managed to create a few more that are unique and perfectly suitable for promotions.
Promotional gifts

The promotional gifts market is enormous. Basically anything that can be printed or engraved on is a potential promotional gift. Even though many designs already exist, Ralf has managed to create a few more that are unique and perfectly suitable for promotions.
Garden Furniture

During my previous profession at HVTM I was responsible for the development of new garden furniture.

We believe designing products and product solutions is about emotional connection. Through our sensible approach we engage your customers. We bring back design to its essence. Honest, authentic and durable products that people can rely on. We strive for long lasting, highly aesthetic and awe-inspiring products that turn your customers in loyal users.